UAE Authors: Coming Together - Growing Together
Coming together: @uaeauthors aims to connect children’s authors with schools and those interested in supporting literacy.
‘Hello, I’m the new kid on the block.’ That’s the first thing I said to Ebtisam Al Beiti, the Emirati children’s author, who was part of a group of fellow ‘book people’ from the Emirates Literature Foundation I had just been introduced to. I was—YEP—so very nervous that this was the best thing I could come up with while putting on my bravest big-girl smile.
That was in May 2022, more than two years ago, and a week before I was about to publish my first children’s book, Hop Lola Hop—a story about a lost toy bunny with an adventurous spirit—that I had been working on, on and off, for the last five years.
Lucky for me, this group was filled with the good people—people who took a look at my book, said some very encouraging words, and, in the case of Ebtisam, suggested we grab coffee the following week in Dubai.
There, we talked and talked a lot more. We did a book swap, I learned how to take selfies, and right then and there, Ebtisam and I laid the foundations for a beautiful friendship …
… and the UAE Authors Group (as we have named it since).
And really, that was exactly what I needed.
Navigating the world of publishing can feel lonely and confusing. While I loved every moment of spending time alone with my words and characters, looking back, I wish I had a community to lean on in those early days —to ask questions, share frustrations, and celebrate small wins—with real people, real faces, sharing the same passion.
Fast forward to today, and I am so proud to see how this little community continues to grow.
The UAE Authors Group started over a cup of coffee and an idea to connect and cheer on fellow children’s authors.
Because it’s the ‘what comes after’—once your book is written, illustrated, and printed. It’s the question of how to break out of that cosy bubble and put yourself out there, it’s where many of us start to wobble.
And that’s where I think that cup of coffee or tea—that chat—is needed the most.
Lessons in selfie taking and that first cup of coffee with a fellow author.
Our second - yet first official UAE Authors Meet up in 2022. From Left to Right: Julia Johnson, Hilda Youssef, Ebtisam Al Beiti, Beverly Jatwani, Kathy Urban, Giselle Onanian (and a not yet walking Izzy).
There have been more coffee meet-ups since, some Iftars, and a lot of cheerleading at book readings. Every time, I see new faces joining our group.
We are mothers (* and one dad), we are teachers, we are doctors. We are filmmakers, environmentalists. We come from all walks of life.
We take our kids to school, go to work, do a lot of other things in between... and we write.
Writing books is what connects us—the stories are as different as the people who wrote them. But for those whose books I have since purchased, I can say that these authors have poured their hearts and souls into their work. And it’s infectious.
I’ve been to the rainforest with Citrus, met a Bengal tiger in the Indian jungle named Tala, moved homes with Alfie & Oak, and listened to Stella’s Song.
Week by week, I am approached by new authors or those considering publishing, asking for advice—and I am always so happy to help.
Seeing their books come to life fills me with a sense of pride because I know what it takes to get through this and beyond.
Publishing - indeed its process - isn’t as shiny as the covers of our titles let you to believe . As much as we all love creating these books, rejection is a reality that many authors face—especially those who choose the self-publishing route.
Coffe, tea and books
Joined by more faces every time: Hello to Zana, Daniella and Rania at the last meet up.
Did you know that reading for pleasure has dropped significantly worldwide? A report by the National Literacy Trust found that fewer than half of all children aged 8-18 years enjoy reading daily for fun, compared to 60% a decade ago?
I do believe authors—whether self-published or otherwise—can play a role in bringing back the fun of reading to those who or at risk of loosing it or are yet to find it.
If you’ve ever attended a school visit or author-led storytelling session, you’ll know the energy is contagious. Authors inspire children to dream big, to imagine, to fall in love with stories—and to connect with the author. All authors.
Big, small, old, and young. Famous, best-selling and local. Their dedication to creating meaningful stories is worth celebrating.
Our UAE Authors have written stories about resilience, about overcoming loss and grief, tackling anxiety – issues which a while back you wouldn’t have found in a children’s book.
We have authors who have written stories about the environment (!!!), stories about the UAE (our home), and stories that make a trip to the dentist less daunting. We have books about growing up, stunning poetry, young adult novels, and books that answer our little ones’ big questions about what their mums are really up to in the day.
Everyone is better off with a tribe. I love this tribe. We may not be the biggest, but we are growing. Together. Supporting one another. Lifting not just our spirits but the energy and excitement around storytelling and driving a love of reading here where we live—in the UAE. Our home.
And that’s why Ebtisam and I decided to let everyone in on this incredible group of authors. So if you haven’t yet, give us a follow, - like, share, comment. Tell EVERYONE about @uaeauthors.
Oh, and one more memory from our first inaugural UAE Authors meet-up: a big thank you to Martin, who sat near us at the Lime Tree on Sheikh Zayed Road in June 2022 and overheard our conversation. He was curious and got up to ask if Ebtisam and I were real authors and took note of both our books. A week later, I received an email—he had bought my book.
To everyone who supports their authors, attends our readings, buys our books—and sometimes a coffee too. Thank you. You are amazing!
Kathy x