Media Reviews
‘A delightful read for young children ... rounded off with a series of simple practical actions that can be taken in your own space as a way of bringing the story to life.’
Paul Hetherington
Buglife - The Invertebrate Conservation Trust
‘Our BookOfTheDay is a lovely story that will inspire children to protect bees - whatever their local environment.
Full review here
‘You can’t have too many stories about helping our precious bees to thrive and the vital role that nature can play in urban areas. This one is engaging from the start and Sally Garland’s scenes of city life and Noah’s close encounters with the bee gently expand the words on the page.’
Full review here
Jill R Bennett - Red Reading Hub
‘Wonderful illustrations. Gentle and beautiful story to melt your heart.’
Fiona Sharp - Independent Book Reviews
‘Kathy Urban’s storytelling is heart-warming, both in the portrayal of a loving relationship between Noah and his Grandpa, and in the way that Noah shows concern and takes action on behalf of the unfortunate bee. Her text is beautifully complemented by Sally Garland’s gorgeous illustrations which take on some of the narrative work.’
Read the full review on the blog
Veronica Price - Views from the Bookshelf
‘A lovely story about people power, where a small act can be the catalyst for lots happening. A small roof garden attracts insects and more importantly, bees, and this small garden is replicated by others..’
Read the full review on the blog
Fran Knight- ReadPlus Reviews Australia